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[INFOGRAPHIC] The Good, Bad and Ugly of WordPress Hosting

If you’re not interested in all-things WordPress hosting, then sorry, but we’re going at it again (with this WordPress hosting infographic).

For a good reason, though! Whether we like it or not, hosting is a mandatory element in any website-building project. 

At the same time, it’s quite funny too. I mean, if your host is doing its job just fine, you don’t even notice it. But when things go bad … this is when your day starts being all about hosting.

So as you know, we did a big hosting survey lately, which did teach us a lot about who’s actually leading the hosting space in WordPress, plus what the most common challenges are. I encourage you to check it out if you haven’t already … it will surely give you something to think on.

Initially, we wanted to release a cool infographic along with that final results post. Unfortunately … you know … deadlines and stuff. So we’re doing it today.

Here are the most interesting numbers about the state of the hosting industry – our WordPress hosting infographic:

WordPress hosting infographic

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WordPress hosting infographic: The WordPress hosting survey results

The following are the stats and insights that we’ve extracted from our WordPress hosting survey, aka. “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of WordPress Hosting.”

Top rated hosting companies for WordPress (according to more than 500 users):

  • Kinsta – 4.9
  • Flywheel – 4.7
  • SiteGround – 4.6
  • DigitalOcean – 4.6
  • DreamHost – 4.3
  • InMotion – 4.3
  • WP Engine – 4.2
  • Media Temple – 4.2
  • Namecheap – 4.1
  • HostGator – 3.7
  • GoDaddy – 3.5
  • Bluehost – 3.1

People are generally happy with their web hosts. 78% rated their current host 4 or higher (scale of 1-5).

87% would recommend their host to other people.

Most popular hosting company among the survey respondents:

  • SiteGround – gathering up 14.8% of all survey entries

How expensive WordPress hosting really is:

  • 27% of the respondents pay $5-$10 per month
  • 12% pay less than $5, and 10% pay more than $100

85% of the respondents will extend their hosting subscription when it expires. Unless they’re with Bluehost … then they’re only 46% likely to extend.

Most popular types of WordPress sites hosted:

  1. Business websites
  2. Personal websites / portfolios – 32% less popular
  3. E-commerce stores – 42% less popular
  4. Classic blogs – 45% less popular
  5. Online magazines – 72% less popular

On the average, the respondents host 10 websites with their current company.

11% of the respondents are first-time hosting clients. 64% have tested 3 or more hosting companies.

The most popular company among first-time hosting clients is GoDaddy. 20% of all first-timers sign up with them.

SiteGround attracts almost no first-time users. The biggest group for them (55%) are people who have tested 3-5 companies.

80% consider themselves WordPress pros.

  • The most popular company among WordPress pros? DigitalOcean. DigitalOcean also scored the highest “value for money” rating – 4.6.

The respondents have been with their current hosting company for 26 months on the average.

Kinsta named the most reliable hosting company (rating 4.9). Followed by Flywheel, DigitalOcean, and SiteGround.

Flywheel named the most user-friendly host for WordPress (rating 4.5). On the other end, we have DigitalOcean (2.7).

71% of the respondents say that their host is WordPress-optimized to some extent.

The most WordPress-proficient support? Flywheel and Kinsta. The least? Bluehost.

Site traffic:

  • 55% of the respondents using GoDaddy get less than 2,000 unique visitors a month.
  • 33% of the respondents using Kinsta get between 100,000 and 1 million visitors a month.
  • 26% of the respondents using WP Engine get between 10,000 and 50,000 visitors a month.

There are more people who would like to move to WP Engine if they had the money, than people who are currently using it. 30% more.


  • Total number of valid survey entries – 507.
  • The total number of websites hosted among our respondents: 6,215.
  • Collectively, our respondents spend $23,830.11 on hosting every month.
  • Number of entries per each hosting company: Bluehost – 38, DigitalOcean – 36, DreamHost – 18, Flywheel – 15, GoDaddy – 38, HostGator – 40, InMotion – 11, Kinsta – 15, Media Temple – 12, Namecheap – 9, SiteGround – 75, WP Engine – 27, other – 172.

By CodeinWP

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Karol K

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Ben Arnold
March 17, 2017 6:32 pm

Sure, on a typical day things go well. And nothing is perfect so a problem here and there is to be expected and when compared to others yes WordPress is a dream machine truly. But lets be honest when saying that a small problem can turn into hell regardless the system is the #1 system in the world. I was transferring some highly sensitive material today (personal information of 100 persons primarily living in France, some in Thailand and Vietnam… for example info on where they live, their photo, their connections to other persons, those person’s photos and residence etc) and thought it would be safe to use my WordPress dashboard as kind of a word program and was deleting things and adding things to revise that information so that it would be ready to insert into a data base where I store all of my client’s and partner’s and associate’s information… when suddenly out of habit my dumb brain told my body to click “publish” and well the rest is history since WordPress super computer caught the breach of policy immediately and within 2 seconds suspended my account just as I was about to delete that page… giving me… Read more »

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