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WordPress Hooks, Actions, and Filters: What They Do and How They Work

This article introduces one of the most important topics in WordPress development: WordPress hooks, including action hooks and filter hooks. Hooks are at the core not only of how WordPress plugins work, but nearly all code in the WordPress ecosystem: most WordPress themes use hooks heavily, as does “WordPress core” itself. WordPress hooks are absolutely a must-know topic in WordPress development.

We’ve jam-packed this explanation of WordPress hooks with a helpful overview video, key points, a detailed infographic, a quiz, and even a summary limerick(!). That’s because it’s not just one of our normal articles: It’s a sample chapter from our “learn WordPress development” course Up and Running.

If you like this article, be sure check out Up and Running. There’s about 40 more chapters where this one came from. We stand behind it as the single best guide to WordPress development out there.

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I think anyone interested in learning WordPress development NEEDS this course.

Before I purchased Up and Running, I had taught myself some WordPress code, but lacked direction. Watching the course’s videos was like a bunch of lights being turned on.

I went from being vaguely familiar with how themes, functions and WordPress itself worked to mastering these. Everything became much clearer.

I very happily recommend this course to anyone willing to listen.”

–Jason Robie, WordPress developer

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Key Takeaways about WordPress Hooks:

  • WordPress hooks are a crucial WordPress feature that allows developers to insert custom code into WordPress’s PHP processing, at specified junctions during that processing.
  • Developers write this custom code in PHP functions called hooked functions. Two kinds of hooked functions exist: actions and filters.
  • Two kinds of hooks exist: action hooks and filter hooks. Action hooks “hook in” actions, and filter hooks “hook in” filters.
  • Filters are passed code or markup by their filter hooks; they modify what they are passed, and must return the result back for WordPress to use in its regular processing.
  • Actions, by contrast, do not need to return a value, and often are not passed specific parameters by their action hooks.

In this chapter, we’re covering one of the most important ideas in WordPress plugin and theme development: hooks. You could also say that this chapter is about “actions and filters,” because actions and filters are the two kinds of functions that interact with WordPress hooks.

Understanding hooks isn’t all that easy, partly because the terms themselves are rather tricky to visualize and distinguish from one another.

But the payoff is huge: as a developer, we find that working with filters and actions is probably the most common way we interact with WordPress. And over time, it’s become one of our favorite things to do in WordPress, as well.

Terminology — Hooks vs Actions vs Filters

Particularly in this case, understanding terms—”hook,” “action,” and “filter”—is half the battle. The WordPress Codex, for example, uses all three terms very casually and inconsistently.

The definitions we use in this chapter are the most common ones you’ll find in WordPress generally, and they’re the best for actually understanding what’s going on. So stick with the understanding we present here, and don’t get discouraged when other people use these terms in multiple ways.

How Hook, Action, and Filter Relate

Actions and filters are custom functions. They hook into action hooks and filter hooks.

This is just to get started; don’t worry if this doesn’t make total sense at the moment:

  • A hook is a place in WordPress’s code that can get functions added to it. When you create a hook, you give yourself and other developers the opportunity to add in additional functionality at that location.
  • Hooked functions are custom PHP functions that we can “hook into” WordPress, at the locations specified by its hooks.
  • Two types of hooked functions exist: actions and filters. Filters modify existing output, while actions can do any type of custom functionality.
  • Hooks come in two types—action hooks and filter hooks—based on which type of hooked function they accept.

Good so far? Don’t worry either way, and let’s move on. (At the end, you may want to come back and see if the above makes more sense.)

Here’s a visual summary of this information. It’s also in WordPress Hooks in Resources.

wordpress hooks visual guide

Don’t try to get into it too far for now—for now, just understand that “Actions hook into action hooks, and filters hook into filter hooks.”

WordPress Hooks: Bringing Outside Contractors into the WordPress Factory

Hooks are how WordPress invites the “outside contractors” that help it do its work.

To explain hooks, we’ll return to our central analogy of WordPress as a factory.

Remember that WordPress calls on outside contractors to do some of its work. Our contractors don’t have a permanent place in the WordPress factory—they’re stuck outside until they’re invited in by the factory itself.

For our purposes, these outside contractors come from two places:

  1. Plugins
  2. The functions.php file inside the parent or child theme

The outside contractors themselves are the custom code in the plugins and functions.php that alter the functioning of the WordPress factory.

Hooks pull in outside code, in specified ways and at specified places.

Hooks—both action hooks and filter hooks—are how WordPress calls on these outside contractors. In other words, WordPress hooks pull in outside code, in specified ways and at specified places.

How WordPress Calls on its “Contractors”

We can think of WordPress “hooks” as actual giant factory hooks, which the contractors ride in on, like this:

Each hook is labeled with a specific name, such as wp_head, corresponding to a part of the WordPress factory’s process (in the case of wp_head, the process of building the page’s HTML <head> section).

These hooks travel out to the lobby so that contractors can ride them in, and they do it in a specific order. The wp_head hook travels out to the lobby and back right before <head> completes, the wp_footer hook travels to the lobby and back right before <body> completes, and so on. So the contractor is always riding his hook directly to the active, to-be-worked-on part of the factory.

When a contractor wants to be part of a specific process, he waits for that hook to show up at the entrance—and rides that hook straight into the proper part of the factory.

If the contractor didn’t ride the proper hook in, he couldn’t get where he’s going in the factory. Hooks are what “invites” outside code (from functions.php, plugins, and so on) into defined areas of WordPress’s PHP processing.

Two Kinds of Hooks, Two Kinds of Contractors

We’re halfway to understanding WordPress hooks, actions, and filters. The other part is a bit more specific: the lobby has two kind of hooks, action hooks and filter hooks.

Look back up at the WordPress Hooks diagram, and let’s understand action and filter hooks.

Action Hooks

Action hooks tend to get dangled at milestones: for example, “you’re almost done building the page’s <head> section” for the wp_head action hook, or “you’re almost done building the page’s <body> section” for the wp_footer action hook.

When contractors ride action hooks into the factory, they tend to do just about anything they want: add a bunch of stuff to the page, or do completely other things like log an error or even send an email.

Filter Hooks

Filter hooks work a bit differently. Contractors who ride in on action hooks can do whatever they want, and have no responsibility to anyone. But contractors who ride in on filter hooks actually insert themselves in the normal workers’ process: they’re given something to handle—say a block of text—and have to give that same block of text (slightly modified, probably) back to the regular worker, via a PHP return statement.

So a contractor using a filter hook generally doesn’t just do whatever he wants; he works with the piece of work that he’s given in his section of the factory. “This section works on the post title,” the section’s manager might say. “Do whatever you want to the post title, but if you don’t hand me back the post title after you’ve made your changes, this whole process won’t work properly.”

What Are These Contractors?

Our “contractors” are custom PHP functions that we (or anyone else) can write.

Hopefully we’re making sense so far; now we’re going to get a bit more technical so you can actually start writing these things.

The contractors—both those hooked to action hooks and those hooked to filter hooks—are custom PHP functions that we or anyone else can write.

Because these functions make it into WordPress by attaching themselves to WordPress hooks—that is, being “hooked in” from outside—the formal term for them is hooked functions.

There are two kinds of hooked functions:

  1. Actions, also called action functions, which hook onto WordPress’s action hooks, and
  2. Filters, also called filter functions, which hook onto WordPress’s filter hooks.

Let’s look at one of each.

Example Use of a Filter Function

Our first contractor is a filter or filter function. In other words, it’s a function that rides a filter hook into the factory.

/* Environment: We're in functions.php or a PHP file in a plugin */

function wpshout_filter_example( $title ) {
	return 'Hooked: ' . $title;
add_filter( 'the_title', 'wpshout_filter_example' );

Here’s what to know about the code above:

  1. Our filter—that is, the code that hooks into our filter hook—is indeed a PHP function, hence the function { }.
  2. wpshout_filter_example is the name of the filter function.
  3. ($title) is the function’s single argument. It’s what the WordPress factory (WordPress core itself) passes to the contractor to work on.
  4. return 'Hooked: '.$title; is the work the function does. It adds the word “Hooked: ” to the title it was passed, and gives it back to WordPress core to continue to process regularly.
  5. return is very important: it’s how the function gives back its work to WordPress core. That line is perhaps best read right-to-left: it says: “Take the regular title and add ‘Hooked: ‘ before it, then pass it back.”
  6. add_filter('the_title', 'wpshout_filter_example'); is very important: it’s how you add filter functions to filter hooks! This merits its own bulleted list.

Now, here’s how to understand that last line:

  1. add_filter( ); is a WordPress function. It says: “Hook a new filter onto an existing filter hook.”
  2. 'the_title' is the name of the filter hook that we’re going to ride into the factory.
  3. 'wpshout_filter_example' is the name of the contractor: in other words, the name of the filter we’ve written, and that we want to hook onto the filter hook (in this case, the_title) that we’ve specified.

So the filter wpshout_filter_example() hooks onto the filter hook the_title. When it does, it simply adds “Hooked: ” to the title, and returns it back. Make sense?

The result, on a live site, looks like this:

Example Use of an Action Function

Our next contractor is an action or action function: a function that rides an action hook into the factory.

/* Environment: We're in functions.php or a PHP file in a plugin */

function wpshout_action_example( ) {
	echo "WPShout was here.";
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'wpshout_action_example' );

If you’ve understood the filter example above, you’ll understand almost everything about this example of a WordPress action:

  1. function wpshout_action_example() {} means that this action (or action function) is named wpshout_action_example() and carries no arguments.
  2. echo "WPShout was here."; is what the function does. echo is a PHP command that we’ll discuss shortly.
  3. add_action('wp_footer', 'wpshout_action_example'); is what hooks the wpshout_action_example action to the wp_footer action hook.

As we noted, the major difference from our filter example is that the hooked function doesn’t return anything. Instead, it echos (prints) a message directly onto the page. Where will this message print? It’ll print at the very beginning of the footer section—wherever the theme author has placed the wp_footer action hook.

This difference—actions can do most anything, filters must return modifications to what they’re given—is the main distinction between the two types of functions, who are otherwise quite similar.

On a live site, our action has this result:

What We’ve Learned

WordPress uses actions and filters to extend what it can do—from the silly examples we showed off today, all the way up to ultra-complex plugins like WooCommerce. We’ve learned what hooks, actions, and filters are for, and the basics of how they work.

To sum up: WordPress registers action and filter hooks at specific places in the WordPress page generation process. Any developer can then write their own functions that hook onto these action and filter hooks. Filters (or “filter functions”) modify what they’re given and hand it back via a return; actions (or “action functions”) can echo text, modify data, and just about anything else, and do not need to return a value.

The WordPress hooks system is really the gateway to full-fledged WordPress development, so don’t be afraid to go back over the material, experiment with it, and make it your own.


Summary Limerick

Here’s an idea for the books:
The system (in WordPress) of hooks.
At regular junctions
They hook in new functions,
Which change how the site acts and looks.

Quiz Time!

  1. A WordPress hook is a(n):
    1. Function containing custom code
    2. Way to pull in custom code
    3. Function that modifies custom code
  2. The following is not true of WordPress filters:
    1. They are always passed parameters by their hooks
    2. They are expected to return a value
    3. They may not change the site’s data or echo HTML output
  3. To automatically remove profanity from the site’s display of user comments, a developer would most likely use:
    1. A filter
    2. An action
    3. A methodology other than hooked functions

Answers and Explanations

  1. B. A refers to actions and filters, collectively called hooked functions: the functions that hooks pull in. C is mostly gibberish.
  2. C. Together, A and B describe how filter functions receive a piece of data (usually a string of HTML output) from their filter hook and must return a modified version of it. (Many action functions receive nothing from their action hook, and actions do not return back a value.) However, both filters’ and actions’ PHP logic can do anything—including change data, echo markup, log errors, or even send emails—and so C is false.
  3. A. Filtering content is a classic use of WordPress filters, as the name implies. The filter function would take the raw comment content, remove or alter words matching an array of targets, and return the modified content to the filter hook, for processing into the comments section of the webpage being constructed.

If you liked this chapter on WordPress hooks, you’ll love our full guide to WordPress development: Up and Running! It goes into way more detail about the depths of using hooks. Up and Running also covers all the key topics in WordPress development in a clear, well-ordered, and thoughtful way. You’ll learn way quicker than you could otherwise—clearly, logically, and without sidetracks.

Get Up and Running Now

And if you want some more hands-on learning about WordPress hooks, you can watch a free video webinar Fred led on the topic.

Yay! 🎉 You made it to the end of the article!
David Hayes

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Anik Biswas
March 28, 2021 9:50 am

The way you present Action Hook and Filter Hook are marvelous. Infographic presents it more clear and to the point. Thanks.

March 31, 2021 2:33 pm

The “Hooked: ” is showing up twice in my code and I can’t figure out why?


According to the WP dev docs, the_title now takes a second arg, $id. I tried setting that to null but am still getting two “hooked: “‘s to print?

June 27, 2020 4:06 am

Thanks so much for this article. Lovely! Perfect introduction! Please do write more!

pramod khatiwada
February 13, 2020 8:19 pm

Awesome Explanation and example is not silly though, it’s great. Clearly understand able.

January 27, 2020 1:25 am

An impressive post on Hooks & Action. Thanks for the post.

Anil Kumar
December 14, 2019 1:04 am

Thanks for sharing this wonderful article.

June 12, 2018 1:29 am

now finally i understand the concept of hooks. how clearly you describe this concept through factory example. really it was awesome. many time i have googled this concept but not found like this. thanks .

WordPress Custom Image Sizes: How to Add and Use Them | WPShout
April 4, 2017 3:27 pm

[…] rules. Some other themes, particularly “official” themes like Twenty Sixteen, use a WordPress filter hook called wp_calculate_image_sizes to set more intelligent and theme-specific sizes values. For Twenty […]

upen singh
December 9, 2016 6:44 am

Thanks a lot! nice description about HOOk

November 8, 2016 9:51 pm

Thank you for the article, the factory analogy is an excellent idea to teach beginners the fundamentals of hooks. I’ve never seen it being explained so clearly like the way it is done here.

Fred Meyer
November 9, 2016 10:28 am
Reply to  Surja


Course: A Complete Introduction to the WordPress Hooks System | WPShout
November 8, 2016 3:05 pm

[…] WordPress Hooks, Actions, and Filters: What They Do and How They Work […]

Off the Hook: Practical Uses of remove_action() and remove_filter() | WPShout
October 18, 2016 4:18 pm

[…] article continues our discussion of WordPress’s Hooks system with a practical look at the direct opposite of add_action() and add_filter(): remove_action() and […]

How to Use apply_filters() and do_action() to Create Extensible WordPress Plugins | WPShout
October 11, 2016 7:47 pm

[…] look at a major part of the technical answer: extensibility, through WordPress’s event-driven Hooks […]

The WordPress Event System: Understanding Hooks in the Broader Programming Context | WPShout
October 4, 2016 11:08 am

[…] of time, you almost certainly know what a hook is. (If not, we have the perfect article for you: WordPress Hooks, Actions, and Filters: What They Do and How They Work). Whether actions or filters, you’re comfortable with the basic idea that you can hook into […]

"What is WordPress?": What to Tell Your Clients | WPShout
September 27, 2016 5:34 pm

[…] code base has extensibility written into it: through its Hooks events system, its template hierarchy, the Widgets API, WP_Query, and every one of its dozens of […]

March 30, 2016 5:46 pm

Thanks, very easy to follow and understand…. BUT, why do I always see numbers after actions and filters- there was no mention of them here…
e.g. add_filter(‘woocommerce_shipping_method_chosen’, ‘reset_default_shipping_method’, 10, 2);

April 1, 2016 12:28 am
Reply to  BJ

Hi BJ,

Good questions, both!

1. The numbers you’re seeing are two additional optional function arguments for add_filter() and add_action(). The first is “priority” – it defines the order in which multiple functions added onto the same hook will be run. (This can be important, for example if one hooked function makes a change that another will need to use.) 10 is the default; small numbers execute first and large numbers execute after. The second is an argument that lets you manually specify the number of arguments the hooked function accepts – two in the example you gave.

2. You can indeed echo in a function that is hooked using add_filter. As always with echo, this will print whatever you’re echoing straight onto the page. However, you do also need to end your hooked function with return. For example, if you hook into the_title, and then don’t return anything, all the titles on your site will go blank.

Does this answer your questions? I’d be happy to look at specific code if you’re having issues.


Make Your Site Faster with Async and Deferred JavaScript: Introducing script_loader_tag - The Amazing Host
December 9, 2015 4:03 am

[…] The add_filter line tells us that this code should run anytime an enqueued JavaScript file is about to be printed onto the page as an HTML script element. Letting us filter that HTML is what script_loader_tag is for. (If you need an update on filters and WordPress’s hooks system in general, start here!) […]

Make Your Site Faster with Async and Deferred JavaScript: Introducing script_loader_tag | WPShout
December 8, 2015 3:57 pm

[…] The add_filter line tells us that this code should run anytime an enqueued JavaScript file is about to be printed onto the page as an HTML script element. Letting us filter that HTML is what script_loader_tag is for. (If you need an update on filters and WordPress’s hooks system in general, start here!) […]

Muhammad Rizwan
September 29, 2015 8:01 am

In your first filter hook example, you have used a single argument $title in wpshout_filter_example function , where did $filter comes, i mean it is coming from core wordpress, where its location in core wordpress code?

Kirill Polevsky
January 10, 2016 5:14 am

Thank you, Fred. This does help.

Will make sure to check both The Codex and The Function Reference when searching for answers 🙂


Mel Wilson
September 23, 2015 12:49 am

You did a really great job explaining this! I’ve been using WP for about 5 months now, and I always wondered what hooks and filters meant.

September 23, 2015 5:26 pm
Reply to  Mel Wilson

Thanks a lot!

10 Ways to Learn WordPress Hooks | WPShout
September 9, 2015 3:20 pm

[…] includes 10 resources that helped her master hooks layer by layer (we’re a little partial to #1). If you’re ready to invest a little energy into understanding them, with this resource we […]

Building a Magical Golden Bridge from PHP to JavaScript with wp_localize_script() | WPShout
September 1, 2015 3:18 pm

[…] you read the code below, read up on WordPress hooks and enqueueing scripts and styles if you need […]

10 Ways to Learn WordPress Hooks • RachieVee: Rachel's Blog
August 31, 2015 8:19 am

[…] WPShout: WordPress Hooks, Actions, and Filters: What They Do and How They Work […]

WordPress is a Factory: A Technical Introduction | WPShout
August 25, 2015 12:41 pm

[…] here on Shout over the years have hinted at this idea (see those on the three core concepts and hooks and filters), but this chapter from the Up and Running text is most thorough and complete version of that […]

An Introduction to Genesis for the Non-Genesis Developer | WPShout
August 4, 2015 2:12 pm

[…] Back in earlier WordPress versions, when you couldn’t easily change the way a specific page looked in a child theme by copying a template file over and making your light modifications, you had to jump through hoops to make rich child theming possible. In other words, you had to add an extra level of indirection. The tool you used to do it was WordPress hooks. […]

How to Add Custom Data to A WordPress RSS Feed |
July 7, 2015 1:54 pm

[…] first interesting thing in the code above is the filter it uses: we’re hooking onto the_content_feed, because we’re looking to add the link to the start of each post’s […]

Hacking The WordPress Template Hierarchy |
June 30, 2015 3:00 pm

[…] WordPress can’t handle every requirement for every site, so thered’s also a set of hooks that you can use to customize how the template hierarchy behaves. While these hooks are generally […]

June 29, 2015 5:38 am

Great analogy. I am new to WordPress and I learned a lot by reading this article.

Great job guys from Paris.

June 30, 2015 11:46 am
Reply to  Nad

Thanks, Nad! 🙂

Rachel R. Vasquez
June 19, 2015 12:28 pm

Your factory analogies are the best analogies I’ve seen yet when explaining WordPress hooks! I’ve read so many articles on hooks and every time I read, it gets clearer, but never quite there. This was the finishing touch. Exactly what I needed to completely understand.

Also didn’t realize the Codex was so inconsistent – it probably explains why hooks take some time to make sense to people when the terms get all mixed up. I appreciate clearing that up for me too.

Loved it! Thanks for writing this! 🙂

June 19, 2015 1:21 pm

Thank you so much, Rachel! In my experience, hooks are one of the hardest things in WordPress to get an intuition for—really glad we could help. 🙂

WordPress's Conditional Tags |
June 2, 2015 3:15 pm

[…] you can’t dependably use WordPress conditions until the WordPress “factory” process has marked the posts_selection action (here’s a full list of actions marked by WordPress and […]

Making Themes More WYSIWYG with the WordPress Customizer |
April 21, 2015 3:59 pm

[…] fact that we’re hooking onto the customize_register WordPress […]

This Week in WordPress: Banking Security and Smushing Done Right | Blue Digital Web Services
April 19, 2015 6:25 am

[…] WordPress Hooks, Actions, and Filters: What They Do and How They Work(WP Shout). […]

Tweet Parade (no.16-2015) - Best Articles of Last Week | gonzoblog
April 18, 2015 9:05 am

[…] WordPress Hooks, Actions, and Filters: What They Do and How They Work – Understanding hooks isn’t all that easy, partly because the terms themselves are rather tricky to visualize and distinguish from one another. […]

L'Hebdo de l'Ecosystème WordPress #14
April 18, 2015 2:02 am

[…] votre apprentissage de WordPress : maitriser les actions et filters hooks […]

This Week in WordPress: Banking Security and Smushing Done Right - Daniele Milana
April 16, 2015 6:16 pm

[…] WordPress Hooks, Actions, and Filters: What They Do and How They Work(WP Shout). […]

This Week in WordPress: Banking Security and Smushing Done Right | News Archive
April 16, 2015 11:16 am

[…] WordPress Hooks, Actions, and Filters: What They Do and How They Work (WP Shout). […]

This Week in WordPress: Banking Security and Smushing Done Right - WPMU DEV
April 16, 2015 11:11 am

[…] WordPress Hooks, Actions, and Filters: What They Do and How They Work(WP Shout). […]

April 15, 2015 1:02 pm

This is fairly awesome, to say the least.

Question: In “Example Use of a Filter Hook”, the last line is “add_filter(‘the_title’, ‘wpshout_filter_example’);”

Where does ‘the_title’ come from? I see the name of the function and the name of the argument/variable ($title), but not sure where ‘the_title’ comes from. Is that a WP core function reference? Saying to do the function and add the full “return”-ed value as the new value for ‘the_title’ function, in the core? Or am I way off?

Other than that confusing bit, this article is just what I needed!

There’s some very specific functionality I need for a site and digging through available plugins leads to disappointment on a variety of levels for a variety of reasons. Developing my own plugin is what I’ve been advised, but thus far the task seems daunting at best. Your article here, however, makes it seem much more doable.

April 15, 2015 1:55 pm
Reply to  Northwind

It does indeed. Sorry for my confusing verbiage. But you pounded that nail. Answered it completely. Many thanks! To be honest this is my first visit to this site – via “The WhiP.” I will definitely be more regular now! Thanks so much. 🙂

April 15, 2015 4:48 pm
Reply to  Northwind

Thank you! That’s great to hear. 🙂

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