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Looking for Some Feedback (With A Competition, Too!)

The competition is now closed!

I’ve slowly started changing [wp]’s direction recently. Shorter articles with really useful tips in them. I’d like to see what you, the readers, think of the new direction, hence this post. But before I get there, I’d like to say a few words. Here goes.

[wp] is going to get a new design. I’m not quite ready to share screens yet, but it’s something inspired by Smashing Mag, BinaryMoon and WebDesignLedger. With the new design will come a larger diversity of articles. Quite possibly less frequent posts but I’d like to make these posts longer, better and things you’ll want to read. Not just the list posts either; in depth, detailed posts looking at using WordPress for all sorts of things and building the fastest, best looking sites around.

I’m weary that a lot of readers enjoy the list posts and I would like to keep building the subscriber count of the site, but I’m keen to move away from the list posts and onto well written and well imformed posts. Of course, I’d like to hear what you, the readers think before I start doing this. Something else I’d like to do are screencasts which I’m a big fan of. With the new design I’ll no longer be offering full articles via RSS, but only an excerpt. There’s a good reason for that and the posts this week hint at why, but more on that another time :).

So there we are. That’s what I’d like to do with the site. Less posts but damn good ones. The form below is completely confidential although I would ask you use your real name and include your email so I can get in contact if needs be. That’s also a requirement if you’re going to enter the competition too! In this lovely competition, Gabfire Themes have kindly offered two readers the opportunity to win a theme of their choice from their lovely selection of themes! To have a chance of winning you’ll have to offer some feedback within a week of this post going out (closing date 30th November).

Yay! 🎉 You made it to the end of the article!
Alex Denning

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November 23, 2009 7:06 pm

I’m fairy new to WPShout, but it sounds like a good idea. I’m generally not a fan of list posts, unless they are really really focused and limited to less than 5 items (“101 photoshop tips” doesn’t help me).

The only thing I’d dissagree with is the excerpt only RSS feed. Not a fan. Most of the time, I click to read the article on the website and not in my Google Reader. However, I also do a large amount of feed reading on my iPhone via an RSS app. It frustrates me when articles are excerpts only because that means I can’t read them until I get home to my computer.

I vote for losing the list posts, but keeping the full article RSS feed.

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