Display Random Adverts in WordPress with Custom Fields
In this post a slightly obscure use of the_loop and custom fields!
(read more)In this post a slightly obscure use of the_loop and custom fields!
(read more)As you may have seen in last week's competition post, I recently created an email newsletter for WPShout. You may have also noticed I ended up using MailChimp instead of a built-into-WordPress solution. This post shows the how I did it.
(read more)A simple and effective way of adding your own Gravatar to your own WordPress theme, via your functions.php file.
(read more)In recent weeks I've been trying to diversify WPShout's income -- you'll notice that Shout now sports some links in the sidebar pointing to WooThemes and WPWebHost, both using affiliate links to do so. There are a couple of ways I'm now handling my affiliate marketing through my WordPress Dashboard and this post will run down the different ways I'm now doing this.
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