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How to Record Screen on Windows: 2 Easy Methods

How to Record Screen on Windows

While it might seem like instructional video is a modern invention, it can trace its way to the beginning of moving images. However, there hasn’t been a straightforward way to record your screen on Windows, Mac, or Linux until this last decade. Given the amount of time we all use computers, you’ll likely need a solution for this purpose on your machine on an occasional basis at the very least.

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How to Install a WordPress Theme: A Guide for Beginners

how to install a WordPress theme

A WordPress website’s look is based almost entirely on the theme you use. This is a collection of templates that you’ll style from the platform’s dashboard, and there are thousands of them available within the WordPress Theme Directory, third-party sites such as ThemeForest, and direct from developer sites. However, you’ll need to know how to install your WordPress theme in a few different ways.

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Use a WordPress Page Generator to Create Multiple Pages in Bulk

WordPress Page Generator

Your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) is likely a big priority. And so it should be, because this is how you’ll reach the summit of every major search engine. However, while there will be lots of aspects to your strategy, creating content is one of the most important among them. To do this fast, you might want to look at a WordPress page generator plugin. Multiple Pages Generator does exactly that.

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Shopify vs Squarespace: Which Is Better for Ecommerce in 2024?

Shopify vs Squarespace

Shopify vs Squarespace is a common comparison for would-be store owners. However, on the surface this doesn’t make sense. For starters, Shopify is more of an ecommerce tool that sometimes links into other platforms. In contrast, Squarespace is more of an all-around solution to build a website. As such, you’ll often wonder what there is to compare.

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