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Why We Love WPBruiser and How to Reduce Spam Submissions on Your Site

One of the most annoying parts of maintaining a WordPress site effectively is dealing with spam submissions. CAPTCHA, a type of challenge-response test that’s used to tell if a user is human, is one of the most common ways of protecting against spam. It’s also one of the most obnoxious for users. We’ve all had experiences on sites where we had to decode unreadable, broken numbers in an image multiple times before we could sign up for a mailing list or submit a question over a contact form. The WPBruiser plugin (formerly  Goodbye CAPTCHA) is one of our favorite plugins for dealing spam and boosting the security of your site (this isn’t a sponsored post, so you know we must really love it!).

WPBruiser is based on algorithms that can identify spam-bots and protect against brute force attacks without the use of any CAPTCHA images. As if that’s not awesome enough, it does all this before spam is even left on your site. Most alternatives end up storing comments and signups in a specific spam folder, which not only wastes your site’s resources and makes it slower, but also gives you the added responsibility of deleting it’s contents. Using WPBruiser is one of the easiest things you can do to improve your site’s security, speed, and your users’ experience. Here’s how to install it:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
    (click to enlarge)
    (click to enlarge)
  2. From your dashboard’s sidebar menu, select “Plugins”>”Add New”.
  3. Type “WPBruiser” into the top search field.
  4. Click “Install Now” next to the plugin listing for WP Bruiser {no- Captcha anti-Spam} by Mihai Chelaru.
    (click to enlarge)
    (click to enlarge)
  5. Click “Activate Plugin”.
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    (click to enlarge)
  6. That’s it! Make sure you see WPBruiser on your list of installed plugins, and that the new menu item appears in your left sidebar. wordpress-spam-3


Next week’s Quick Guide will cover what you need to know about configuring the settings for this plugin, so don’t miss it!

Yay! 🎉 You made it to the end of the article!
Harper Phillips

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How to Configure WPBruiser and Stop Spam on Your WordPress Site | WPShout
August 4, 2016 4:47 pm

[…] some great solutions for this problem. The WPBruiser plugin (formerly Goodbye CAPTCHA) is our favorite plugin for dealing with spam and boosting the security of your site. Once you have it installed, here’s how to navigate and configure the […]

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