Design Comics
Our designer comics highlight the highs and lows of creative life, client projects, and daily design challenges.
Once you’re done browsing, make sure to check out our other comics as well.
Clip art
Designer that codes
Couldn’t make it in time
Designer talk
Design meeting
Client/web designer
Client/designer #1
Client/designer #2
Client/designer #3
Client/designer #4
Client/designer #5
The webdesign guru
Extensive R&D
The free work parable
Web design hourly rates
I’ll know when I see it
A simple background
Larger monitor
Another developer
My fault?
Nightmare on feedback street
Choosing a font
Opportunity to flee
Photoshop expert
Rainbow client
Real job
Lorem ipsum
Web designer starting kit
Web design evolution
More Comics, More Fun
Check out our other comic collections.
Developer Comics

WordPress Comics

Living With a Developer

Tarot Cards

Security Comics

Social Media Comics

Misc Comics