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How to Create a Contact Form with Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is one of WordPress’s most popular form plugins, and our first choice to create a contact form. Below is a step-by-step guide to creating a contact form with Gravity Forms.

How to Use Gravity Forms, Step-By-Step

  1. Purchase and download Gravity to create a contact form with gravity forms
  2. Go to “Plugins” > “Add New”. Then, click “Upload Plugin” at the top of the to add a contact form with gravity forms
  3. Click “Choose File” and select the Gravity Forms zip file you downloaded. Then Click “Install Now”.how to add a contact form with gravity formshow to add a contact form with gravity formshow to add a contact form with gravity forms
  4. Click “Activate Plugin”. how-to-contact-form-gravity-forms-6
  5. Go to “Forms” > “Settings”. Enter your license key in the empty field then click “Next”.how to add a contact form with gravity forms
  6. Select the option to “Keep background updates enabled” then click “Next”. how to add a contact form with gravity forms
  7. Select your currency and leave “No-conflict mode” and “Askimet Integration” turned on. Then click “Next”.how to add a contact form with gravity forms
  8. Click “Create a form”.how to add a contact form with gravity forms
  9. You should be re-directed automatically to “Form” > “New Forms”. Click “Add New” at the top of the to add a contact form with gravity forms
  10. Add a title and description to your form, then click “Create Form”.how to add a contact form with gravity forms
  11. Select the fields you would like to appear in your form using the options to the left, customizing as to add a contact form with gravity formshow to add a contact form with gravity forms
  12. Go to “Pages” and select the page you’d like your contact form to appear on, or select “Add New” and create a new to add a contact form with gravity forms
  13. Once your new page is created, click “Add Form”.how to add a contact form with gravity forms
  14. Select the contact form you want to insert from the drop down menu then click “Insert Form”.how to add a contact form with gravity forms
  15. Check that the short code for the form as been added to your page then click “Update”.how to add a contact form with gravity forms
  16. That’s it! Verify that the form looks correct on your site and send a test submission to make sure it’s working correctly. Now you’re good to direct visitors there and collect the information you need.

More on How to Create a Contact Form with Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is an extremely powerful and flexible forms solution in WordPress. It has all kinds of possibilities—formatting options, conditional logic (“only display question 3 if the user answers ‘Yes’ to question 2”), and so on. If what you want to do with your Gravity Forms contact form seems impossible at first glance, it probably isn’t. Google for it, or ask us directly in our Facebook group.

Enjoy creating your contact forms!

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Harper Phillips

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