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120+ WordPress Cheat Sheets for Web Developers and Designers

“Why bother with WordPress cheat sheets?” – you ask. Well, maybe it’s just me, but I find it rather hard to remember all those keyboard shortcuts, function names, arguments, structures and whatnots that all come “with the territory” when you’re doing any kind of WordPress dev, design, or publishing work.

And it’s not just WordPress. There are even whole keyboard covers available just to make using tools like Photoshop more bearable.

Exhibit (a)

Anyways. This is where WordPress cheat sheets (and others) come in! Cheat sheets is what me and you and everybody else can benefit from hugely if they’re struggling to remember things. Have a good cheat sheet and you can easily find yourself twice as productive – I truly believe this!

But the keyword in there is “good cheat sheet.” Simply put, not all of them are created equal. Sometimes you can spend weeks looking for the perfect, tailor-made cheat sheet that fits your personal workflow perfectly – highlights all the stuff that you don’t remember and ignores everything you do.

To make this easier on everybody, we’ve gathered a rather massive list of 120+ great WordPress cheat sheets, web development cheat sheets, design cheat sheets, and more. I’m sure you’ll find at least a couple of them here that you’ll end up using regularly.

TOC: WordPress | CSS | HTML | Design | PHP | JavaScript | MySQL | Development | Miscellaneous

Note; Sorry, but we couldn’t find the authors of some of these cheat sheets. For most of them, though, you can find the author’s copyright clause + a link to their site at the bottom of the cheat sheet.

WordPress cheat sheets

“Coolness”? This is our own rating to indicate how cool we think these cheat sheets are.

WordPress CheatsheetPDFView4
The Loop: Visual ModelPDFView5
The Loop Code SnippetPDFView3
Intro to WordPress CheatsheetPDFView3
Complete WordPress CheatsheetPDFView3
WordPress Theme Hierarchy Map CheatsheetPDFView5
WordPress Theme Anatomy Model CheatsheetPDFView5
Cheatsheet SEO for WordPressPDFView3
WordPress Template Designer CheatsheetPDFView3
Advanced WordPress Help SheetPDFView3
WordPress Help SheetJPGView4
WordPress Mega Cheatsheet InfographicJPGView5
WordPress Coding CheatsheetJPGView5
WordPress Database DiagramPNGView4
WordPress Template HierarchyPNGView5
WordPress Keyboard CheatsheetWWWView5
The Ultimate WordPress Development ChecklistPNGView5
WordPress Template Tag Reference GuideWWWView4
WordPress Developer Super CheatsheetWWWView4
WordPress Optimization CheatsheetWWWView3
WordPress Template HierarchyWWWView4
Anatomy of a WordPress ThemeWWWView5
Make sense of WordPress core loadWWWView4
Make sense of WordPress query functionsWWWView4

CSS cheat sheets

Comprehensive CSS CheatsheetPDFView5
The Mega CSS CheatsheetPDFView5
CSS3 Cascading Style SheetsPDFView3
CSS2 CheatsheetPDFView4
CSS Shorthand CheatsheetPDFView4
The CSS3 Help SheetPDFView3
CSS CheatsheetJPGView5
CSS Cheatsheet via OverAPI.comPNGView4
CSS CheatsheetWWWView4
Media Queries Cheat SheetWWWView3

HTML cheat sheets

HTML CheatsheetPDFView4
HTML Cheat SheetPDFView5
HTML Canvas Cheat SheetPDFView5
HTML5 - The SheetPDFView4
Ultimate HTML5 CheatsheetPNGView5
HTML Cheat sheetPNGView5
HTML5 Cheatsheet Event AttributePNGView4
HTML5 Cheat Sheet TagsPNGView4
HTML5 Cheat Sheet by Antonio LupettiJPGView5
HTML5 Peeks Pokes and PointersWWWView4

Design cheat sheets

RGB Hex CheatsheetPDFView4
Master Cheatsheet for Bootstrap 3PDFView4
Bootstrap CheatsheetPDFView4
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Keyboard ShortcutsPDFView4
Adobe Photoshop Elements' Organizer Cheat SheetPDFView3
Adobe Flex Cheat SheetPDFView3
Responsive Web Design CheatsheetPDFView5
Web Safe Color ChartGIFView4
The Browser Safe ColorsWWWView4
Sketch 3 Visual Cheatsheet by Manuel EbertPNGView5
Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts QWERTYJPGView5
Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts AZERTYJPGView5
Adobe Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts (QWERTY)JPGView5
Adobe Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts (AZERTY)JPGView5
InDesign Keyboard Shortcuts (AZERTY)JPGView5
InDesign Keyboard Shortcuts (QWERTY)JPGView5
Flash Keyboard Shortcuts (QWERTY)JPGView5
Adobe Illustrator CS6 Shortcuts CheatsheetJPGView5
Color Theory Quick Reference Sheet for DesignersJPGView4
The Anatomy of Type CheatsheetJPGView5
The Screen Resolution CheatsheetGIFView4

PHP cheat sheets

PHP CheatsheetPDFView4
PHP Cheat SheetPDFView4
Advanced PHP CheatsheetPDFView3
PHP Skinny SheetGIFView4
PHP CheatsheetWWWView3

JavaScript and jQuery cheat sheets

JavaScript CheatsheetPDFView4
jQuery 1.5 Visual CheatsheetPDFView5
JavaScript Reference CardPDFView4
JavaScript DOM CheatsheetPDFView4
JavaScript Cheat SheetPNGView4
JavaScript Quick ReferencePDFView4
NodeJS - The SheetPDFView4
jQuery Cheat Sheet - Beginner's EssentialPDFView4
jQuery Cheat Sheet - Beginner's EssentialPNGView5
JavaScript CheatsheetWWWView4
Regular Expressions for JavaScriptWWWView5

MySQL and database cheat sheets

MySQL CheatsheetWWWView4
Oracle SQL Reference CardPDFView3
Oracle Cheat SheetPDFView4
MySQL CheatsheetWWWView4

Development cheat sheets

Web Developer ChecklistWWWView5
Git Pretty FlowchartPDFView4
Java Quick ReferencePDFView4
Java EE 6 AnnotationsPDFView4
Perl Quick Reference CardPDFView4
Perl - The Cheat SheetPDFView3
Emmet CheatsheetPDFView3
Perl Reference CardPDFView3
Python BasicsPDFView3
Python 3 Cheat SheetPDFView5
Python - The SheetPDFView3
Ruby On RailsPNGView3
Visual Basic Quick ReferencePDFView3
Git Cheatsheet via Git-TowerPNGView5
Version Control Best PracticesPNGView5
Drupal 7 Database CheatsheetPDFView5
Drupal jQuery CheatsheetPDFView5
Drupal 7 Translation CheatsheetPDFView3

Miscellaneous cheat sheets

Campaign Monitor Template CheatsheetPDFView3
Linux Command ReferencePDFView4
Linux Administrator's Quick Reference CardPDFView4
The OS X Keyboard Cheat SheetPDFView3
HTTP Status Codes PDFView4
Atom Editor Cheat SheetPDFView4
Notepad++ CheatsheetWWWView5
The Web Developer's SEO CheatsheetPDFView5
SEO Best PracticesWWWView3
Sublime Text 3 OSX CheatsheetPDFView4
Sublime Text ShortcutJPGView5

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This has been a lot! We hope you’ll find this list useful and perhaps print some of those WordPress cheat sheets out. They can be quite handy if you keep them somewhere near your desk.

Also, did we somehow miss any interesting cheat sheet even though we have more than 120 of them here? Don’t hesitate to let us know!

Don’t forget to join our crash course on speeding up your WordPress site. Learn more below:

Original text by Karol K and Adelina Tuca.
Layout and presentation by Karol K.

Yay! 🎉 You made it to the end of the article!
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Clay Zeballos
November 2, 2017 8:54 pm

Thanks for this great post!!!

October 29, 2017 6:48 pm

Excellent roundup. Thanks so much for this very valuable resource.

Jessé Lima
October 23, 2017 1:26 pm


Ben D
October 16, 2017 4:37 pm

Awesome List… this should be a permanent clutter-free web page itself 🙂 (well maybe a couple of plugs for CodeInWP) Thank you!

October 16, 2017 12:36 am

The BEST roundup I have read.
Respect for the time you have spend on it!

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